Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sutera Crepe

hye u olls....

kat cn aku ad sample Sutera Crepe dari terengganu...kain die cantik sgt n senang nk gosok...
4 those yg interested boley la order ngan aku...


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ahmad Zareef Daniel

syukur ke hadrat Ilahi apabila dpt tau zareef(anak sedara aku no 2) dah kuar hospital after 36hari kene thn dkt NICU
tuhan je yg tau mcm mne perasaan family aku biler dpt news nie...gembira+syukur+++++

b4 nie mcm2 yg ad dlm fikiran ktowg...lebey2 lg after doc ckp die boley bertahan tuk 2,3 hari je lg..terkedu aku biler dpt tau news nie...air mata x pyh ckp la...lg thn lg die nk kuar...aku plak mmg pelakon air mcm x ptt plak doc tue ckp cmtue kan...mmg la die x nk family aku berharap tp kene la pndai maen ayt sket...ape pnye doc la nie...

syukur...Tuhan itu Maha Berkuasa..kite hanya mampu merancang tp Tuhan yg tentukan smer nyer...alhamdulilillah sehingga saat ini keadaan zareef da semakin baek.....
bdn die da jdik kurus sgt...beza giler dr waktu x nyer sebln lbey dlm wad..kene puasa plak tue..susu pn bp byk je die x pe lah...asalkan die chat....

@zareef:achik syg sgt2 kat zareef.....minum susu byk2 biar cpt bsr ek...=)
p/s:thanks kpd kwn2 yg sama2 berdoa utk zareef....hanya Tuhan yg dpt bls jasa baik kowang...luv u oll...muuaahhh!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

budget 2011

smer da tau PM da bentang bajet hari jumaat lps...maka dgn itu beban kerja aku sdh abis...pergh,penat mmg penat...pas nek keje lps cuti raya..keje mcm hampir2 giler...memanjang blik mlm...aku nie da la plak sowang2...em...walaupun bdn sgt pnt tp aku sker keje aku tue..bos plak bek giler n sporting habis...slumber giler...best2!!!

hahaha...the best moment adalah pd mlm tinjauan bajet aku jdik girl yg gelek sign PM...walaupun kat tmpat aku agk crowd tp aku tetap mencelah tepi MKII tuk menjlnkan tugas aku...nsb bek x tertolak MKII...dah mcm artis plak..."klik"..."klik".."klik"...control cun beb!!!....bkn senang nk bergmbr ngan agk frust la biler gmbr aku x msuk paper..x pe2,next year cube lg....

15 oct tue pn syok gak...dpt bergmbr dlm dewan rakyat...pergh,bkn senang nk dpt peluang cmnie..siap duk tmpat PM x boley la nk publish pict kat cn..utk simpanan aku sowang udah la...hehe


haha...nie smer gara2 ofis aku block fb n aku pn sj2 gatai nk wat blog...biler bc blog owg len cam apekate aku wat gak...sje mengisi waktu lpng n senggang...hik3...em,mostly people at 1st nie akan duk cite psl diri masing but aku x byk kot bnde nk share psl diri aku...da nm pn SeCrEt kan...bkn secret recipe ok..jgn slh phm...haha..em,aku nie perahsia ke owg nyer...x kot tp mgkin jgak..haha tibe2 konflik dlm diri ape yg kompem aku mmg bkn spesis yg byk berckp...berckp biler perlu pn bukan..da tue ape???haha...klu rs nk berckp aku ckp la...perahsia?? x ms aku story mori jew kt yg kompem aku x sker story prob aku kat family coz bg aku dieowg adalah tmpat tuk aku bergumbira....selagi boley handle sndr i'll try to handle it....ok,stop la dl,lg byk aku merapu be continued....

mY 1St EnTry

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.